780-439-3333 Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5pm 7506 - 42 Street Leduc, AB, T9E 0R8
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780-439-3333 Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5pm 7506 - 42 Street Leduc, AB, T9E 0R8
Apply Now: CREDIT | COD

Need Acetylene NOW?


Acetylene is a colourless, flammable gas that is dangerous in its liquid and solid forms. This gas is essential because it’s the hottest burning gas that is commercially available. This makes it valuable for welding, cutting, and heat treatment.

Cylinders specifically for acetylene are specialized to avoid decomposition because acetylene is highly explosive if mixed with air or oxygen.

Our team is equipped to fill & deliver your gas order!

Common Uses

Agriculture Construction | HVAC | Plumbing | Refineries Maintenance & Repair Welding & Fabrication
Helpful for keeping agriculture equipment in good shape. Used for oxy-acetylene torches-a helpful tool for any site. Increases metal malleability for better shaping. Great for oxy-fuel welding, cutting, and brazing

Think We Can Help? So Do We.

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